Wednesday, March 10, 2010

千层蛋糕 ~ About Crêpe Cake ~

☼可丽饼源自法国西北部的布列塔尼地区(法语:Bretagne),但crêpe这个名字则是源自一个从拉丁词语演变来的词。这个词的原来意思是收缩。有时意译为法国薄饼,是一种比薄烤饼更薄、以小麦制作且风行全欧洲和世界许多角落的美食,由一种可丽饼烤盘(一种没有边的特殊加热炉具)或平底锅煎制两面而成,可用作甜点的盘底,也可以自成一道佳肴美馔。最普遍的成分包括面粉,鸡蛋,牛乳,奶油和一小撮的盐,主要分为两种口味,甜可丽饼使用的是 小麦粉,而咸可丽饼则使用荞麦或黑麦粉制作。


☼A crêpe (English pronunciation: /ˈkreɪp/, French: [kʀɛp]; Breton: krampouezhenn) is a type of very thin pancake (usually made from wheat flour). The word is of French origin, deriving from the Latin crispa, meaning "curled." While crêpes originate from Brittany, a region in the northwest of France, their consumption is nowadays widespread in France and they are considered a national dish, and they are also increasingly popular in North America and South America. In Brittany, crêpes are traditionally served with cider. Crêpes are served with a variety of fillings, from the most simple with only sugar to flambeed crêpes Suzette or elaborate savoury fillings.

☞Copyrighted by Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

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